Samstag, 18. Dezember 2010


First Caribbean impressions in Bocas del Toro, Panama! It is beatiful! Bocas is an archipelago on the western end of Panama, close to the boarder to Costa Rica. Beatiful beaches, a great diving destination, good surf when the saison is right and a nice place to learn a proper backflip.

Postcarad-Caribbean at Redfrog Beach on Isla de Bastimentos!
The swell season usually starts in december and so we were lucky to get some waves. We surfed at Caraneros, a spot with a lot of Indonesia-atmosphere! A boat takes you to the reefbreak, crystal clear water which results in nice see-through waves and a good view on the reef only a couple of feet below...

No worries, just a dolphin!

In contrary to the photos above it also rained a lot in Bocas. A good game of leaf-poker can bring you through a rainy afternoon and maybe the whole night. Leaf = 50, toiletpaper balls = 100, 5 dollars buy-in, let´s roll!

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Panama City! The Miami of Central America. 

Of course we visited the locks of Miraflores at the Panama Canal and got to see a couple of huge ships. 

77km long and constructed between 1904 and 1914 the Panama Canal replaces a long route around Cape Horn. It´s considered one of the most difficult engineerng projects ever, the French had to give up their attempt started in 1880 and in total around 30.000 workers died during construction. The passing of the canal costs up to 300.000$

The skyline of Panama City. It´s raining a lot and we´re waiting for a boat to Colombia. Unfortunately there´s a storm in the Caribbean, telephone lines are down, roads are blocked and no one knows when boats are leaving.

Casco Viejo with a touch of modern art...*
*this comment was contributed by Laura Soizig Langlois

The Museum of Contemporary Arts.

This is not the cleaning girl, it´s still the Museum of Contemporary Arts.

One night on the Partybus! 15dollars for entry, free alcoholic drinks. It was devastating...

Hey fellows!

Stuck in Panama. Worse things can happen in life. While I´m finishing this blog I have already reached Colombia and it has been quite an adventure to get here. More about camping on deserted islands in my next entry! Cheers!

2 Kommentare:

  1. wenn i ma des alles so anschau bin i ja "wirklich" "echt" "total" "glücklich", dass i daheim im schönen kalten windigen Tirol mit lauter netter Menschen bin die den ganzen tag lachen und spass haben. danke!


  2. hey fellow!
    alter schaut wieder mal rischtisch geil aus. bin echt neidisch. bei uns hats grad massiv powder und i hab leider koa zeit ghabt. aber jetzt gehts auf.
    du falls ma uns nimma lesn wünsch i da feine weihnachtn und an guatn rutsch. gfrei mi scho wenn ma uns wieder sehn. gruas mojo
